Hello, old friend

 The title applies to both my spinning wheel and my Zoom Loom. It's been too long since I used either.

I finished spinning the white mystery fleece. It's not as consistent as I'd like and parts of it are a little thin but it's OK and I do have around 200yds which I think is what I need.

I did enjoy doing the longdraw. It's a fast way to spin and when it goes right it's very satisfying and produces a nice bouncy yarn. I began by pulling handfuls from my nests but I found it went better if I took the trouble to pull it out a bit and roll it around a 1" rod to make rolags, then pinch off sections as I spun. 

With the white finished and wound into balls, it was time to reacquaint myself with the Zoom Loom. The instructions are clear but the first square took a little longer than I remembered. However, I did remember to wind the first layers with no tension at all, because the weaving tightens them up and can get difficult when you reach the end. I'm sure I'll get faster at making them, but with 48 to produce, and learning how to use two colours, I won't be wearing my scarf until the Spring!

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