Finished raglan jumper, designed by Knitwear Designer for the BBC Micro

On another blog I wrote about using Kendall Down's Knitwear Designer on a BBC micro to generate a knitting pattern.

That was November 2020. I'm not a fast knitter. I tend to just knit a few rows each day rather than spending hours at a time on it. Plus I spun the yarn for this project. 

Here it is done. I don't have a record of the exact measurements I fed into the program, but the fit is fantastic, so top marks to Kendall Down. 

I made quite a chunky yarn. (The gauge I gave the program was 5 stitches per inch, which I got on 4.5mm needles). I made a 4-ply yarn with 3 plies of Devonia from John Arbon, which is a blend of British sheep breeds, and one ply of Tussah silk dyed 'cyclamen' by Katie of Hilltop Cloud

The pattern just gives you stitches and allows you to work in your own choice of colourwork or stitch pattern. 

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