The Bolero is one I made last year, to cover those tops of my arms...it was a pattern for a shrug, but as I thought I was too old for one of those, made it into this.....nice mixture wool, but a bit itchy for me.....
Should have put the lamp on Pea!!!!
You look really chuffed, and so you should. I have much admiration for all you knitters. Understanding a knitting pattern is a bit of a dark art as far as Im concerned, I think there's a bit more to this 'stitchywitches' name..... prehaps I just need to take lessons.
This coming from someone who knows the difference between an oxidising and reducing kiln! I've been hoping that you'd feel inspired to start some more sewing, bm! At the very least we look forward to seeing what you're going to do with all that i-cord we knitted.
It's very brave of you to give us a full portrait, B! Good to see your face again, I see you've grown your hair since we last met. Yes, it's difficult not to feel self-conscious when you're taking a self-portrait, isn't it. You're setting a good example for the rest of us.
It's good to hear that I'm not the only one who's not afraid to deviate from the pattern and go off at a tangent. That's worked out well, and is a nice colour.
Thanks you two, afraid I never took photo's of some of the things I was proud of, but Dive nicked some of my patterns to take the micky of on his site, but you would have loved the outfits, of course I was a size 10 in those days so could wear outrageous things.....
I think you should be really proud of what you are doing, especially when I know how clever youa re with all the other things you make..
It's beautiful. I haven't figured out how to modify patterns to suit me yet. I'll work on that.
Oh, and the self-portrait is lovely, too. I also haven't mastered taking a picture of myself. thank goodness my mac has a built in camera.
The built-in camera is very handy! I've tried using a tripod and self-timer, but that's a bit hit-and-miss (more miss than hit). I've had more success with using a mirror - it takes some deft cropping and one of your arms is stuck out at an angle, but it's worked better for me.
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